Teach Truth Day of Action
It’s time to take action. . . . again. For the past two summers, teachers rallied across the country at historic sites to speak out against anti-history education bills and to make public their pledge to teach the truth. These actions, the AAPF #Unbanned Book Tour, and the 2023 Freedom to Learn Day of Action, have been the only national protests of this dangerous legislation. The teacher-led rallies received national media attention, providing a valuable counter narrative to the oversized coverage of the well-funded anti-CRT movement. Once again, we invite educators, students, parents, and community members to rally across the country and pledge to #TeachTruth and defend LGBTQ+ rights on June 10, 2023. The situation is urgent. Lawmakers in at least 44 states have introduced legislation or pursued other measures that attempt to require educators to lie to students about the role of racism, sexism, heterosexism, transphobia, and other forms of oppression throughout U.S. history. These laws and restrictions have been imposed in at least 18 states. The Right has declared war on teaching the truth about structural racism and sexism and on LGBTQ+ youth. Books by Black, Indigenous, authors of color, and LGBTQ+ writers are increasingly being banned. As Jesse Hagopian points out, Just as […]