Agitators, race-mixers, and truth-tellers: The history of teaching truth and our contemporary role as educators

Event Type: Virtual Day of Event Contact: Dr. Tonya Kneff-Chang - [email protected] I'm hosting a small writing collective. To help us write, we will have a conversation to discuss what it means to teach truth, grounding our conversation in history. We'll also encourage folks to tune into "Today with Dr. Kaye" to hear Dr. Whitehead's discussion with Professor Kimberlé Crenshaw. From there, we will draw on the conversations, our own experiences, and our professional expertise to write op-eds we can share as widely as possible.

Freedom to Learn: SOMA Day of Action – Banned Book Reading

Type of Event: In-Person Day of Event Contact: Stephanie Lawson-Muhammad - [email protected] This day of events on May 3 in South Orange and Maplewood is designed to unite everyone who believes in truth, including activists and racial justice allies in the fight against the College Board's and the state of Florida's attack on the African American Studies AP curriculum. We join solidarity with fellow activists across the nation with over 150 events scheduled and participate in a series of engaging local events. Banned Book Readings: Gather at the South Orange Library (for teen/adult readings) and Maplewood Hilton branch Library (for elementary-aged readings) from 4:00-5:00 pm to experience the power of literature and knowledge. Don't miss this opportunity to stand up for racial justice and contribute to the fight for an inclusive and equitable education. Let's come together as a community and take action!

Freedom to Learn: SOMA Day of Action – Teach-In

Type of Event: In-Person Day of Event Contact: Stephanie Lawson-Muhammad - [email protected] This day of events on May 3 in South Orange and Maplewood is designed to unite everyone who believes in truth, including activists and racial justice allies in the fight against the College Board's and the state of Florida's attack on the African American Studies AP curriculum. We join solidarity with fellow activists across the nation with over 150 events scheduled and participate in a series of engaging local events. Teach-In: Join us at the Black Box Theater, CHS from 5:30-6:30pm for an informative teach-in, where you'll learn where you'll learn about the importance of fighting the right's Anti-Woke attacks on Education and our progressive values. Don't miss this opportunity to stand up for racial justice and contribute to the fight for an inclusive and equitable education. Let's come together as a community and take action!