“The United Methodist Church General Board of Church and Society stands in solidarity with partners across the country for the protection of democracy, DEI programs, and the accurate and factual depictions of history. For over a century, we have stood with others on Capitol Hill and local communities for equitable access to education. Amid attempts to censure and derail, as well as to delete and conform history, knowledge, and narratives to the will of imperialism and dark forces, we stand and join the great chorus of voices here today in saying: let the people learn! Let us learn in order to contribute and transform society. Let us learn in order to train up the next generation of leaders, thinkers, innovators, and social engineers. Let us learn in order to build bridges across cultures and people. Let us learn in order to do the work our souls require.”
The United Methodist Church General Board of Church and Society stands in solidarity with partners across the country for the protection of democracy…
Jun 12, 2024